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Intellectual Property Protection Agency


Intellectual Property Protection Agency

We protect your IP

What is Intellectual Property Protection?


Intellectual Property (IP) Protection helps you take back control of your brand online, with advanced monitoring and prioritization tools that give you full visibility of the threats you face and the tools to mitigate them.


Who are we?


The IPPA was founded due to a lack of support for IP owners. We work with IP consultants which are based all over the world to ensure we can pass your case to an expert who has specific knowledge and experience of the laws in your country.


We have worked with many fortune 500 companies aswell as thousands of individual rights owners.


Our Services


Whether you're an established brand or an individual we're here to help you!


From counterfeit goods to phishing scams and lookalike products, we're here to help protect your IP.


The traditional approach to IP protection – sending enforcement notice after enforcement notice without ever reducing the problem – can feel like a thankless task. We will work with you to identify the goals that really matter to your business – from cleaning key marketplaces to reducing the risk to your consumers – and deliver the impact that you need.


Our experts take the hassle out of protecting your IP! Once you've provided the necessary information to us via our easy to complete form, we do all the work to ensure any IP infringment ceases immediately.




Any time of the day, whenever you need us, we're here to help.

UK: 0113 5199480

USA: (207) 679-0283